Submit abstract


Download the “Abstract Submission template” given at the below link and send the completed form at

Click here to download the “Abstract submission template”  

Guidelines for Abstract Preparation and Presentation:

The aim of the 5th  ICRS & 2nd  ICAHS 2025 is to encourage quality research and to advance this aim we will be providing a high-quality scientific forum for Rehab and allied health professionals.

All abstracts will be reviewed (two peer reviewers) to ensure scientific rigor. Authors are requested to consider the relevance of research findings for clinical practice. Submissions with a clinical focus should consider the evidence base for the methods.

Abstracts are invited on the following topics and should be submitted via email @

Theme: Community oriented research and practice

 Research/Oral Papers/Posters:

  • Word limit of 200-250 for research/oral papers and posters of 150–200-word abstracts summarizing the aims, methodology, results, and conclusions of the research.
  • Proofread to avoid grammatical or spelling errors.
  • Follow the submission guidelines including deadlines and requirements for formatting and content.
  • Oral presentations will be 10 minutes in duration, plus 5 minutes for questions/answers.
  • Posters- the poster will be displayed in the designated display area.
  • Details on the submission of the oral/Poster and preparation of the presentation will be published soon on our conference website.
  • If more than one abstract is submitted, a separate e-mail will be sent for each submission.
  • Accepted abstracts will be part of the conference’s scientific book
  • Authors may consent for accepted articles to be published in JRCRS & RJAHS.


  • Physical Therapy
  • Speech & Language Pathology/Therapy
  • Human Nutrition & Dietetics
  • Optometry & Orthoptics
  • Medical Imaging Technology
  • Medical Ultrasound Technology
  • Medical Laboratory Technology
  • Food Science & Technology
  • Operation theatre technology
  • Other related fields


An abstract is a summary of a research paper’s substance including its background, purpose, methodology, results, and conclusion.

1.Title: Title should be concise, descriptive, and informative. It should be no longer than 15-20 words, and should accurately reflect the content of the abstract.

  1. Authors and Affiliations: Provide the full name of each author, along with the institutional affiliation and contact information (phone number and email address).
  2. Introduction: This section should provide a brief overview of the purpose and objectives of the study. It should also include a statement of the problem or issue being addressed.
  3. Methods: Provide a description of the methods used in the study, including the type of study design, the sample size and characteristics, and any data collection and analysis methods used.
  4. Results: Present the data, outcomes, and findings of the study.
  5. Conclusion: Provide a summary of the main findings and discuss their implications.
  6. References: Minimum references 20 with 50% citations from last five years.
  7. Keywords should be provided (3-6 words) and written in alphabetical order, lowercase letters (Not applicable to names/scientific names), and should be separated with commas.


  • Title: Times New Roman, 12 points, Upper case, Centered text in bold
  • Body: Times New Roman, 11 points; Line spacing: 1, one column of text
  • Affiliations: should be indicated with superscript Arabic numbers appearing at the end of surname/family name.
  • A superscript asterisk should be used for the corresponding author & in case of more than one name and address, these should be related by superscript number.

Poster Presentation Guidelines

General aim and format

  • A poster is a graphically based approach to presenting research. In presenting your research with a poster, you should aim to use the poster as a means for generating active discussion of the research.
  • Limit the text to about one-fourth of the poster space, and use “visuals” (graphs, photographs, schematics, etc.) to tell your “story.”

Design and layout specifications

  • Maximum size 1 metre wide and 1.5 metres high (90cm wide x 150cm height). If it does not conform to this maximum size, we regret it may not be possible to mount the poster.
  • The board must be oriented in the “portrait” position (long dimension is vertical).
  • A banner displaying your poster title, name, and department should be positioned at top-centre of the board.
  • Leave some open space in the design. An open layout is less tiring to the eye and mind.


  • Word-process all text (including captions).
  • Text should be readable from five feet away. Use a minimum font size of 24 points.
  • Lettering for the title should be large (at least 70-point font). Use all capital letters for the title.


  • Present numerical data in the form of graphs, rather than tables (graphs make trends in the data much more evident). If data must be presented in table-form, KEEP IT SIMPLE.
  • Visuals should be simple and bold. Leave out or remove any unnecessary details.
  • Make sure that any visual can “stand alone” (i. e., graph axes are properly labelled, symbols are explained, etc.).
  • Use colour to enhance comprehension, not to decorate the poster. Neatly colouring black-line illustrations with colour pencils is entirely acceptable.
  • Make sure that the text and the visuals are integrated. Figures should be numbered consecutively according to the order in which they are first mentioned in the text.
    Each visual should have a brieftitle


  • Keep the text brief. Use text to (a) introduce the study (what hypothesis was tested or what problem was investigated? why was the study worth doing?), (b) explain visuals and direct viewers’ attention to significant data trends and relationships portrayed in the visuals, and (c) state and explain the interpretations that follow from the data. In many cases, conclusions can be summarized in a bullet-point list.
  • Depending upon the stage or nature of your project, the text could also include sections on future research plans or questions for discussion with viewers.
  • Cite and reference any sources of information other than your own, just as you would do with a research paper. The “References Cited” is placed at the end of the poster.

Presenting the poster

  • Posters must be placed on the designated site by 8:00 am on the day of presentation (this can also be done the evening before between 5:00 to 5:30 pm)
  • All posters have to be presented to chairperson of poster themes. The time allowed is 3-5 minutes

Remove Your Poster

Posters must be removed between 4:30 pm and 5:00 pm. The Poster Hall will close at 5:30 pm each evening. Posters remaining after this time will be removed and recycled.

Please carefully review the information above to ensure that you have not missed any important information preparing your poster presentation.

Scientific Committee Presentation Advisors:

Conference presenters will have the opportunity to gain support and advice from a member of the Scientific Committee during the development of their presentation after their presentation has been accepted. The Scientific Committee members will be available to discuss options for presentation content and format, and potential audience questions, both prior to and during the conference. If you would like to have a Scientific Committee Member advisor, please contact Dr. Binash Afzal at [email protected]