The main purpose of this activity is to promote research culture, evidence-based practice, and networking of professionals across the board. The theme of the conference also highlights the community oriented research and practices among rehabilitation professionals along with different experts from around the globe will provide insight into these burning issues and share the solutions to these challenges through the scientific literature and discourse. Our previous conference 4th ICRS & 1st ICAHS 2023 was a mega event. This conference gathered 18 renowned international speakers from USA, UK, Australia, Russia, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Tehran, and Jordan and 96 national speakers from all over the country fostering a spirit of cooperation and shared commitment to advancing rehabilitation and allied health sciences. Moreover, 11 International and 25 national pre-conference workshops and skill-building sessions were conducted successfully which played a crucial role in empowering attendees with practical tools and techniques, ensuring that they return to their respective fields equipped with improved competencies.It is an exciting time for scientists, researchers, clinicians, and academicians to contribute and share their valuable feedback. I am looking forward to seeing you at these scientific conferences.